Knee pain is one of the most common health problems we experience during our lifetime. The reason why we feel the pain is defect in the bony structure of the knee cap and knee joint.
What Causes Knee Pain?
- Aging
- Knee injuries that occur during sport or recreational activities (dislocation of the knee joint or knee cap, fracture in the knee cap, injured ligaments, ligament tears, injured tendons)
- Diseases such as arthritis or osteoporosis
Knee Pain Symptoms
- Swelling in the knee
- Sharp and dull pain in the knee joints
- Stiffness and reduced movement of the knee
- Difficulty in walking as a result of painful knee joints
- Inflammation in the affected knee area
Knee Pain Home Remedies
Knee pain affects your everyday life by causing difficulty in walking and uncomfortable pain in the joints in this area when doing ordinary activities like bending your legs, walking, or running. Luckily, you can solve this problem and significantly reduce or eliminate your knee pain without making a hole in your pocket.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar with Cold Water
The alkalizing properties of apple cider vinegar help decrease the debilitating pain in knees. It is able to dissolve the harmful toxins in the knee joints, and lubricate the joints, thus improving the mobility.
- 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
- 1 cup of water
Add the vinegar in the water, and stir well. Drink this solution once a day.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar with Hot Water
- 2 cups of apple cider vinegar
- Hot water (hot bath)
Add APV in a bathtub filled with hot water, and stir well with your hands. Soak your knees in the water while still hot, for around half an hour. Do this once daily, for several days to lower your inner knee pain.
3. Apple Cider Vinegar with Olive Oil
- 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon of olive oil
Mix both ingredients well and apply the mixture to the front and back area of the knee. Let it act for half an hour, and then wash your knees with clean water. In this way, you will relieve the pain you feel in the this area.
4. Turmeric and Ginger
The active compound in turmeric, curcumin, provides anti-inflammatory effects which effectively relieve inner and outer knee pain. This food is one of the most effective knee pain relievers.
- One and a half tablespoon of chopped ginger
- One and a half tablespoon of turmeric
- 2 drops of honey
- 1 cup of water
Add all ingredients in the water, and boil over a medium heat for ten minutes. Let it cool for around ten minutes, and strain. Drink the liquid immediately. Do this twice a day to eliminate your knee pain.
5. Turmeric with Milk
- 1 tablespoon of turmeric
- 1 glass of milk
- 2 drops of honey
Add turmeric in the milk, and then honey for taste. Boil for five minutes, and then let it cool about 5-6 minutes. Drink once daily to eliminate your inner knee pain.
6. Cayenne Pepper with Olive Oil
The capsaicin in cayenne pepper creates warm sensation around the aching knee area, relieving the pain and reducing the swelling.
- 2 tablespoons of cayenne pepper
- One and a half cups of olive oil
Prepare a paste by mixing these ingredients, and apply it on the painful knee area. Do this two times a day for a week-period to eliminate your knee pain that you feel when running.
7. Cayenne Pepper with Apple Cider Vinegar
- One and a half tablespoon of cayenne pepper
- A cup of apple cider vinegar
Mix the ingredients well, and pour the mixture into a bath water. You should soak the knees in this water for around 20 minutes. Do this on a daily basis to decrease the inflammation and relieve severe knee pain.
8. Ginger Tea
The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are one of the most powerful when it comes to relieving painful and swollen knees.
- Half a teaspoon of chopped ginger
- A cup of water
- 2 drops of honey
- 2 drops of lemon juice
Mix all ingredients together, and boil for ten minutes. Strain and drink the ginger tea while still hot. Do this on a daily basis to eliminate your sharp pain in the knees.
9. Ginger Oil
2-4 tablespoons of ginger oil
Apply the oil directly on the affected knee areas using your fingers. Let it stay for around half an hour, and then rinse. Do this every day to relieve your knee pain.
10. Lemon
The abundance of citric acid found in lemons dissolves the uric acid crystals which are the main reason of the appearance of arthritis. Therefore, using this fruit can be an excellent natural remedy for knee pain caused by arthritis.
- 1 lemon
- Half a cup of sesame oil
- 1 cheese cloth
Cut the lemon in small pieces and put the pieces in a cheese cloth. Tie it, and dip it in the sesame oil for several minutes. Place the cloth on the affected knee area, and let it stay for around ten minutes. Do this twice a day to eliminate your knee pain.
Alternative option – Dilute some lemon juice in a glass of war water and drink on an emptu stomach to relieve knee pain.
11. Fenugreek seeds with Water
The anti-inflammatory properties of fenugreek seeds help relieve knee pain. These seeds are one of the most effective home remedies for this kind of problem, thanks to their warm nature.
- 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
- 1 cup of water
Soak the seeds in a cup of water overnight. The following morning, strain the seeds and eat them. Do this once a day to ease your severe knee pain.
12. Fenugreek Seeds with Water
- 5 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds
- Half a cup of water
Roast the seeds and once they cool to a room temperature, powder them. Then, add five tablespoons of the powdered seeds to the water to prepare a smooth paste. Apply it on the affected area, and let it act for half an hour. Wash with warm water. Do this on a regular basis to eliminate your knee pain.
13. Mustard Oil
This oil improves the blood circulation around the knees. Use it to lower the pain and inflammation in your knees that appear when you squat, run, or jump.
- 2 tablespoons of mustard oil
- 2 to 3 garlic cloves
- Hot water
- A towel
Heat the oil over a medium heat, and add the chopped cloves. Heat for around 15 minutes until the oil becomes warm, and then apply it to your aching knee. Let it stay for an hour. The next thing to do is dipping the towel in a hot water and then squeezing it to remove the excess water. Place the towel on your knee to reduce your severe knee pain. Do this home treatment twice a week.
14. Epsom Salt
Epsom salt contains high amounts of the natural muscle relaxant – magnesium sulphate. It eliminates the excess fluid in tissues, thus lowering the pain and swelling in knees.
- A cup of Epsom salt
- Hot water (hot bath)
Add the Epsom salt in a bathtub filled with hot water. Soak your knees for around 15 minutes, twice weekly. In this way, you will lower the pain and inflammation in the knee area.
Note – If you suffer from diabetes, heart problems, or blood pressure, avoid Epsom salt.
15. Cold Compress
This simple home treatment helps constrict blood vessels and lowers the blood flow in the affected knee area, thus reducing the swelling.
- 5-6 ice cubes
- A towel
Wrap the ice cubes in a towel and place it on the affected knee area. Let it stay for 10 to 20 minutes. Do this simple treatment on a daily basis to eliminate your knee pain.
16. Eucalyptus Oil
The analgesic properties of eucalyptus oil offer soothing effects to the aching knee. This oil penetrated deep into the skin, providing relief from mild and severe knee pain.
- 5 drops of eucalyptus oil
- 5 drops of peppermint oil
- 2 drops of olive oil
- A small glass bottle
Put the peppermint and eucalyptus oil drops in the bottle, and add the olive oil. Blend well, and keep the bottle away from sunlight. Whenever you feel pain in your knee joints, apply some of the oil mixture on the affected area. Let it act for an hour before rinsing it off. Keep repeating this treatment until you relieve the knee pain.
17. Olive Oil
This oil is a quick natural remedy that improves the condition of painful and swollen knees.
- 2-3 drops of olive oil
Apply few drops of olive oil on the affected knee areas using your fingers. Let the oil act for one hour before washing your knees. Do this treatment once a day to relieve your knee pain.
18. Dandelion Leaves
The abundance of vitamin A and C in dandelion leaves increase the blood circulation and the functioning of the tissues in the knee area.
- 3 tablespoons of powdered dandelion leaves
- A cup of water
- 4 drops of honey
Add the powdered leaves in a cup of water, and boil over a medium heat. Add the honey while boiling for taste. Strain and drink the liquid. Do this three times a week to eliminate severe knee pain.
19. White Willow Tea
The salicin in white willow quickly relieves the uncomfortable knee pain.
- 2 tablespoons of powdered white willow bark
- A cup of water
- 4 drops of honey
Boil the water over a medium heat, and add the powdered willow bark. Let the bark soak for around 10 to 15 minutes and then remove the pot from heat. Add the honey for taste. Strain and drink two times a week to ease your knee pain.
20. Juniper Berry Tea
This tea is a great remedy for relieving knee pain caused by arthritis. It also reduces the swelling and inflammation.
- 1 tablespoon of dried juniper berries
- A cup of water
- 3 drops of honey
Boil the water and add the dried berries. Let them stay in the water for around 15 minutes and then add the honey. Strain and drink the tea while hot. Consume this tea on a daily basis to eliminate your knee pain.
Note: Pregnant women should not consume this tea.
21. Grape Juice
This remedy is a great and quick way to reduce your knee pain and heal your sore knee joints.
- 3 cups of grape juice
- Half a tablespoon of pectin
Mix the ingredients well, and drink two times a day for a period of 2 weeks.
22. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is famous for its many healing properties, one of which is reducing knee pain.
- Half a cup of coconut oil
Boil half a cup of coconut oil over a medium heat for around three minutes. Then, use your fingers to apply the warm oil on the affected knee areas. Let it stay for 2 to 3 hours before washing it off. Do this treatment twice daily, to eliminate your uncomfortable knee pain.
16 Tips to Ease Knee Pain
These tips will help you prevent and cure knee pain:
1. Avoid activities which strain your knees
2. Avoid wearing high heel shoes
3. Extra weight puts more pressure on your legs. Therefore, try to lose those extra pounds.
4. Eat fruits and veggies high in magnesium
5. Make 15-minute walks ever day to get your leg muscles regular movement
6. Do exercises which target the knee joints, guided by an expert
7. Increase the movements of the leg tissues by staying well-hydrated
8. Try to wear comfortable shoes whenever you can
9. Smoking worsens the inflammation and slows down the healing process. Therefore, quit or at least avoid smoking.
10. To reduce severe knee pain, apply frozen peas compress
11. Reduce pain and swelling in knee joints by applying hot pad on the affected area
12. Heal your aching knees with massages
13. Always give enough rest to your knees to get rid of the knee pain.
14. Avoid standing for a longer period of time, as this only increases the pain
15. If you have knee injury, take proper care as soon as possible to prevent inflammation, swelling, and pain
16. If you suffer from knee pain, avoid lifting heavy objects
Use these home remedies and advices to relieve your knee pain quickly and effectively.