Eat This 2-Ingredient Pancake Every Morning And Watch Your Body Fat Disappear

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All people just love pancakes, especially children. The tall stack of pancakes on the kitchen table in the morning is probably the most beautiful view you can have to start the day!

Being extremely delicious, pancakes can be served with various jams, creams, nuts, fruit, honey, and much, much more. Yet, most commercial pancakes include gluten, extra processed sugar, hydrogenated fats, bleached white flour, and more.

Yet, since the preparation of pancakes is easy and fun, there is no need to buy commercial pancakes and pose that health risk to you and your family. This recipe for tasty and healthy pancakes consists of only two incredibly healthy ingredients, bananas and eggs.

Eggs are an extremely delicious ingredient, and they are included in at least one daily meal in almost all households. They are high in vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids and proteins, and thus help the weight loss process, raise the HDL (or “good”) cholesterol, treat inflammation, and prevent heart disease, as well as other health conditions.

On the other hand, bananas are also highly nutritious, and if added to the recipe, they will provide various health benefits, as well as a solid shape. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber, as well as minerals, vitamins, and nutrients, such as:

  • Protein
  • Vitamin B6
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Vitamin C
  • Net carbs
  • Manganese

Bananas effectively regulate blood sugar and provide a feeling of satiety. Bananas include two types of fiber, resistant starch and pectin, and both of them reduce hunger after meals by decelerating the emptying of the stomach, and both regulate blood sugar levels.

Bananas also reduce blood pressure, due to the potassium in them. Therefore, they represent a perfect food for supporting heart health.

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