When you’re cooking for an entire family your glass-top stove can take quite the beating, and sometimes glass spray and elbow grease just doesn’t get the job done. Sometimes you need to bring in the reinforcements.
Here are six DIY ways to get those tough caked-on burnt food chunks and stains off of your glass-top stove.
Before you start any of these methods make sure your stove is completely turned off and cooled down so you don’t burn any cleaning products into your glass.
Scraping Method
Sometimes using cleaning products just isn’t enough. If you have really tough caked-on stains, you can carefully scrape it off with a razor.
First, add a liberal amount of liquid cleaner to the burnt-on stain. Then hold your razor’s edge flat against the glass while scraping the stain off. Make sure you’re really careful with this method.

Towel Method
Wipe the surface of your stove-top down with some vinegar. Next, sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda over the entire surface. Drop a towel in hot water, then ring it out so it is dampened. Lay the towel on top of your glass-top stove and leave it there for 15 minutes. This will loosen everything on your stove-top. Take it off and scrub away the gunk with an abrasive topped sponge.

Vinegar and Baking Soda Method
Sprinkle baking soda all over the top of your stove-top, then spray some vinegar all over it. Let it sit for about 15 minutes then wipe it down with a wet rag.

Silicone Spatula Method
First, rub your stains with a silicone spatula in a circular motion to loosen the junk that’s been caked on. Then mix four tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of vinegar to make a paste. Place it over your stains and let it soak for a few minutes. Scrub it off with a microfiber cloth, then wipe your stove-top down with a wet cloth.

Ammonia and Alcohol Method
Mix a solution of one part ammonia and 10 parts water with three ounces of rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. Spray some on your glass-top stove and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it down.

Dish Soap Method

Swirl some liquid dish soap on your glass-top stove, then sprinkle some baking soda over the entire surface. Splash on a little bit of hydrogen peroxide and mix your solution together with your finger. Use some elbow grease and a scrubber to clean your stove top. Wipe it down with a clean wet rag.
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