This Diet Recommended By Every Nutritionist Called “The Boiled Egg Diet” Will Help You Lose Even 24 Lbs In Only 2 Weeks!

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In today’s article, we’ve decided to present you a diet called “The boiled egg diet” which is considered to be extremely good in case you want to lose even 24 pounds in a period of less than 2 weeks. According to numerous nutritionists and health experts, this amazing diet is one of the healthiest eating regimens which won’t make you starve and you’ll lose all those pounds very fast.

One of the greatest health problems in the USA is definitely obesity. People live a very unhealthy lifestyle which is very stressful and leads to cardiovascular problems, diabetes and can even cause cancer. Obesity can be cured magically. If you want to lose weight, you have to put a lot of effort into it and try really hard.

You also need to exercise regularly and drink plenty of water. You mustn’t starve your body! All you need is a very healthy diet plan that will be rich in fruits, beans, vegetables and grains. You must stop consuming desserts, snacks and sodas. The results will appear very soon.

In case you’ve wondered about the best diet, then this is the right solution for you! We’re going to offer you the complete plan. The egg is the main ingredient. It’s nutritious and doesn’t contain plenty of calories, but it contains plenty of nutrients.

Eggs can be combined with other ingredients. They’ll help you obtain all the vitamins, minerals, proteins and healthy fats very soon. Only 1 egg is full of magnesium, potassium, iron, selenium, calcium, vitamins B5, B2, B12 etc. An egg that is large contains 6 grams of protein, 5 grams of fat and 77 calories. The white is all composed of protein. All of the nutrients are in the yolk.

Here is the diet plan that you’ll have to do for 2 weeks. The results will be outstanding and you’ll be amazed!

First week


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with 1 piece of fruit

Lunch: 2 slices of bread with 1 piece of fruit

Dinner: chicken meat with some salad


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with 1 piece of fruit that you like

Lunch: a green vegetable salad with some chicken meat

Dinner: 1 orange, a bowl of salad and 2 boiled eggs


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 fruit that you’ll choose

Lunch: 1 slice of low-fat cheese, 1 tomato and 1 slice of bread

Dinner: some chicken meat with a bowl of salad


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs with 1 fruit that you’ll choose

Lunch: some fruit

Dinner: a bowl of salad and 1 piece of steamed chicken


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs and 1 piece of fruit that you’ll choose

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs along with some steamed vegetables

Dinner: fish on a barbecue with a bowl of salad


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs along with 1 piece of fruit that you’ll choose

Lunch: only fruit

Dinner: some chicken meat with a bowl of salad


Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs along with a piece of fruit that you’ll choose

Lunch: tomatoes, chicken meat and steamed vegetables

Dinner: only steamed vegetables

Click Next Page to see the Second Week Program

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